


October 20th is 医疗助理s Day, a day to honor one of the most versatile roles in healthcare. 从确认预约到检查病人, 测量生命体征, 记录病史, 抽血, 医疗助理执行各种各样的任务. If you thrive on variety and options, this may be the perfect job for you. 

"The medical assisting program at All-状态 Career allows students to gain real-world skills, 旨在帮助他们确保和提升他们的职业生涯. The skills we teach focus on hands-on practical techniques to increase your clinical ability and build the foundations of knowledge to prepare learners for a wide-variety of clinical settings,科里M. Dennis, 护理 Faculty and Simulation coordinator at All-状态 Career in Essington, PA. 

“Medical assisting is a comprehensive career and a multi-task job, aiming basically to qualify a person to assist physicians, 护士, and to allow him or her to be able to deal with specific clinical and administrative tasks,博士说。. 圣安东尼奥大学生物学教授艾哈迈德·阿提亚(Ahmed Attia)说. 纽约斯塔顿岛保罗护理学院.

作为一名医学助理毕业生, 你会有各种各样的潜在雇主, 包括医生办公室, 医院, 门诊护理中心. 或者你可以选择专注于一个特定的利基.


One area you can choose to focus on is a certain area of medicine. For example, you could work in pediatrics, obstetrics, ophthalmology, or dermatology.  

Gabriel Holder, medical assisting lead instructor for St. 保罗护理学院皇后区(纽约)校区, says students will get a better understanding of their preferred specializations during their internship.

“A lot of time students says they want to work with children until they work with children, 或者他们喜欢OB,直到他们做了,他说. “Choosing your specialty often comes down to picking the office they want to work with based on logistics, time, 和距离.” 


你也可以专注于某项任务. One of the popular niches is a certified Phlebotomist degree, which is possible after successfully passing a didactic and hands-on phlebotomy course, 包括州执照考试. 

如果你对心脏病学感兴趣的话, 阿提亚说,一个受欢迎的利基市场是心电图, which is a test that helps diagnose pulmonary and heart conditions. Students take a comprehensive EKG course followed by a licensure exam to become a certified EKG technician. 


If patient or lab work isn’t your strength, you can also pursue work in more administrative roles. Medical assistant students can also take courses such as medical billing and coding and electronic health records to become qualified for managing administrative and clinical positions in medical facilities. 

These roles happen behind the scenes and are important for the healthcare facility to run efficiently. Medical billers make sure insurance companies are properly billed while medical coders make sure procedures are properly recorded and coded. 和, administrative positions include maintaining health records, 安排预约, 处理客户服务互动.


作为医疗助理英国正版365官方网站的一部分, students will be trained on the aspects of all medical specialties, 比如做心电图, 画的血, 协助小手术, 在儿科工作. 

“Hone your general skills and worry about specialization after,” says Holder. 

If you want recommendations on choosing a niche, Attia suggest consulting faculty members.  “[They] usually know their students well and know also their strong and weak points, 哪个会在课堂上明显出现,阿提亚说。. “The faculty member can mentor and guide his students by going over the important topics, 克服他们的弱点, 向他们展示职业上的特权, 这可以作为他们选择的考虑因素, 另一方面, 学生应该努力学习,相信自己的老师, and showing them that they are interested in the class and have the passion to learn and to achieve.”

You will know you made the right choice when you see your performance improving, says Attia. “当你觉得你的经历正在蓬勃发展, and specifically when you become able to deal with the problems without getting help, 你找对了方向,他说.

If becoming a professional medical assistant sounds like an appealing career choice to you, 365英国上市官网 can help you get on the path with a strong education. Click here to learn more about the program or call 1-855-436-7847 to talk to a counselor about getting started today!   365英国上市官网 Colleges and institutes, All-状态 Career 学校s and St. Paul’s 学校 of 护理 are part of the post-secondary network of schools that also includes the Denver College of 护理.